@article{oai:hirokoku-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001187, author = {楠本, 智章 and 仲村, 陸斗 and 神原, 健}, issue = {17}, journal = {医療工学雑誌, Journal of Medical Engineering}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 胃癌の90%以上はHelicobacter pylori(以下,HP)感染が原因とされる.近年,HP感染率の低下に伴い,HP除菌後胃癌やHP未感染胃癌が相対的に増加している.本症例は70歳代の男性.HP未感染胃粘膜の胃角部から前庭部前壁に長径で20㎜を超える印環細胞癌を認めた.同病変に対して幽門側胃切除術を施行し,術後病理組織結果は粘膜内癌でpStage IAであった.術後約2年間が経過した現在まで無再発生存中である.本稿では,比較的広範囲に認められたHP未感染早期胃癌の1例として,文献的考察を含めて報告する., 90% patients with gastric cancer in Japan were infected with Helicobacter Pylori (HP), but with the decrease in the number of infected with HP in recent years, many gastric cancers uninfected with HP have been discovered. In this time, we report a case of gastric cancer in HP-uninfected stomach. A patient is 70's years old man with no chief complaint. The esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) revealed a discolored flat lesion, measuring over 20mm in diameter, at the anterior side of from angle to antrum in stomach. The histological findings showed "signet ring cell carcinoma". Hence, we performed laparoscopic distal gastrectomy as treatment for this gastric cancer. After operation, the resected cancer cells were located in the mucosa and no invasive lesion was detected in any lymph nodes and other organs (pStase IA). There are no recurrent lesions in a remnant stomach and no metastatic lesions for about 2 years after operation.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {比較的広範囲に認められた Helicobacter Pylori 未感染早期胃癌の1例}, year = {2023}, yomi = {クスモト, チアキ and ナカムラ, リクト and カンバラ, タケシ} }